
The project To Austria was founded in 2016 and its main focus is informing young people about possibilities in Austria. Our goal is to present Austria not only as a holiday destination, but also as an interesting opportunity to further develop and gain experience. Our motto is: Discover Austria, discover yourself! A big advantage of the project is that it is designed by young people who have practical experience of study, work and internships in Austria.

Why Austria? Given the common history, the Czech Republic and Austria have a close relationship. Numerous German words are used in common Czech language. But despite the close proximity of bordering countries, on some levels we still not know each other enough. For this reason, this project focuses on supporting and deepening international relations.

The picturesque alpine country offers many possibilities. These are mainly internships, work and study opportunities or voluntary services. Further information can be found on our website.

As an inspiration and encouragement for potential interested parties, we publish on our blog personal contributions of young people who have gathered experience in Austria with studies, work or internships and want to share them with others.

Part of the project is also the offline contact. We regularly participate in events organized by public cultural organizations and hold workshops and lectures for middle schools and universities explaining the possibilities in Austria. The speakers draw mostly from their own experience, but they also present links where more information can be found.

Project To Austria also organizes own events, such as language courses in Innsbruck, own online German lessons or events in which teachers are introduced to Vienna from a different perspective with a goal to inspire them to an extraordinary school trip. Members of the project can be personally met in Prague as part of an event called Stammtisch, where they answer questions about opportunities in Austria.

We are active on Facebook and Instagram, where interested parties can contact us directly, or under  info@dorakouska.info.

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