
My way to Innsbruck

My name is Žana and I am currently completing my Master degree program in Management, communication and IT, at Management center Innsbruck in Austria. I was Born and raised in a small village in the Alps of Slovenia. From the early age I always had great entrepreneurial skills. After high school I knew that Economics are my passion, so I decided to go to Slovenian biggest city, and study there at Faculty of Economics, UL. Being energetic, curious, hardworking, and always looking for new challenges, small Slovenia was soon too small for me, so I decided to study abroad. First, I spend my Erasmus exchange in Ireland, and currently I'm studying in Austria.

So, why did I chose Austria? A lot of people still ask me that, and I have many different answers. First of all, Austria was always very appealing. Being raised at the border of Austria and Slovenia already from the early age I could see how different the conditions are in Austria, which has a higher standard of living than Slovenia. I knew people who left Slovenia and move to Austria and they were really pleased with their decision, and their happines was infecting me. So, after I finished my Bachelor degree I was decided I am going to apply for a Master program in Austria. Secondly, Austria even though the language is different than the one home, has a similar culture and atmosphere than Slovenia. This two points were the main reason why I applied for a Master program in Austria. And what do I think now, after a year living there? I would just say it was the best decision of my life. After moving, my German was not that good, but people were so nice that they talked English to me, so it was easy to find friends. I like the feeling Innsbruck gives me everytime I come there, it is warm and feels like home, even though I am in the different country. I like the mountains, and how active people are around here, I like how my Master program is structured, and how well they take care of their students.

Since I am finishing now my study program, I am pretty sure that even after I will stay in this beautiful country. They offer so much more than my country can. For example I was searching for a student job in the summer, and I literaly found it in a month, that would never happen in Slovenia where job oportunities for young people are really low. As said before, I think going to Austria was best decision in my life, and I would recommend it too everyone who wants to experience something new, but in the same culture as home, and is searching for limitless  after their degree.



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